Palworld New Update

Palworld New Update Fixes Bugs but Leaves Multiplayer Issues Unresolved

The popular game Palworld, known for its blend of survival gameplay with creature companions, has recently received a new update. This update, rolled out by developer Pocketpair, brings a range of technical fixes to both the Steam and Xbox versions of the game, addressing issues that have been affecting players’ experience.

For the PC Game Pass and Xbox versions, the update has resolved several critical problems. These include fixing a bug where the game would display a black screen upon startup and addressing issues with controller recognition and display of key guides. However, players using the Game Pass version are still facing limitations in online multiplayer options. Unlike their Steam counterparts, Game Pass players are currently restricted to smaller co-op sessions, using friend codes for 2-4 player cooperation, rather than having access to larger dedicated servers.

The update for Steam’s version of Palworld has focused on a different set of issues. It includes fixes for a persisting loading screen bug and incorrect world date display, as well as measures against various cheats and exploits. The update, however, hasn’t introduced new content or many of the fixes that players have been requesting, especially for the Xbox version.

Interestingly, the update notes suggest that more changes might be included, but these additional changes aren’t explicitly listed. Pocketpair has expressed a commitment to prioritize fixing major issues and has acknowledged the unexpected surge in the game’s popularity. Future updates are anticipated, though details about their content and release schedule remain uncertain.

This phase of iterative improvements and bug fixes is typical for games in early access, as developers work to refine the gaming experience based on player feedback and technical challenges. Despite these growing pains, Palworld has achieved remarkable success since its launch, highlighting its unique appeal in the gaming community.

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