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Mission: Prologue


“Prologue” is the introductory mission in GTA 5, set in Ludendorff, North Yankton. This mission serves as a tutorial and sets the stage for the game’s narrative.


  1. Rob the Bank: Follow your crew into the bank and head to the vault.
  2. Control the Crowd: Intimidate the bank staff and customers to keep them under control.
  3. Blow the Vault: Plant the explosive on the vault door and detonate it.
  4. Collect the Money: Enter the vault and collect the cash.
  5. Escape: Flee the bank and reach the getaway vehicle.
  6. Shootout with Police: Engage in a gunfight with the arriving police officers.
  7. Reach the Escape Point: Navigate through the snow and reach the designated escape point.

Characters Involved

  • Michael De Santa
  • Trevor Philips
  • Brad Snider


  1. Entering the Bank: Follow Trevor to enter the bank. This part is straightforward, guiding you through basic movement controls.
  2. Taking Hostages: As Michael, you must intimidate the hostages by aiming your weapon at them and shouting. This is done by pressing the interact button.
  3. Opening the Vault: Switch to Trevor, plant the explosive on the vault door, and detonate it using the detonator.
  4. Looting the Vault: Control switches back to Michael. Enter the vault and approach the cash pile to collect it automatically.
  5. Exit and Gunfight: Upon exiting the bank, a cutscene will trigger, followed by a shootout with the police. Use cover effectively and aim for headshots to conserve ammunition.
  6. Escaping: Follow your crew outside and engage in a running gunfight. Stick to cover and proceed cautiously.
  7. Reaching the Getaway Car: After the shootout, follow the yellow route on the mini-map to reach your getaway car.
  8. Driving to the Escape Point: As Trevor, drive the car through the snowy roads. The handling can be tricky due to the snow, so moderate your speed.
  9. Final Stand: After a cutscene, you will be in a standoff with the police. This segment is scripted, and the mission concludes with another cutscene.

Tips and Tricks

  • Use Cover: Always use cover during gunfights to minimize damage.
  • Aim for Headshots: Conserve ammo and take down enemies faster with headshots.
  • Follow the Route: Stick to the yellow route on your mini-map to avoid getting lost.
  • Manage Driving Speed: In snowy conditions, control your speed to avoid sliding off the road.

Optional Objectives for 100% Completion

  • Complete within a specific time: Finish the mission within a given time limit.
  • Accuracy: Maintain a high shooting accuracy throughout the mission.
  • Headshots: Achieve a certain number of headshots.

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