To use cheats in ‘The Sims 4,’ press Ctrl + Shift + C (PC) or Command + Shift + C (Mac) to open the cheat console. Enter ‘testingcheats true’ to enable cheat functionality. This allows you to alter your Sims’ lives, from boosting funds to changing moods, opening up a world of possibilities in your game.
Money Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
kaching | Adds 1,000 Simoleons to your household’s funds. |
rosebud | Adds 1,000 Simoleons to your household’s funds (alternative to kaching ). |
motherlode | Adds 50,000 Simoleons to your household’s funds. |
money [amount] | Sets your household’s funds to the specified amount. Replace [amount] with the desired number of Simoleons. |
FreeRealEstate On | Makes all homes in the neighborhood free. Use in the neighborhood or world view. |
FreeRealEstate Off | Returns home prices to normal. Use in the neighborhood or world view. |
household.autopay_bills | Toggles automatic bill paying for your household. |
Build and Buy Mode Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
bb.moveobjects | Allows you to place objects anywhere, ignoring grid lines and other objects. |
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement | Unlocks all career-rewarded objects in buy mode. |
bb.showhiddenobjects | Displays hidden objects that aren’t typically available in buy mode, like collectibles. |
bb.enablefreebuild | Enables building in locations that are normally restricted, such as the hospital from the “Get to Work” expansion. |
bb.showliveeditobjects | Reveals additional objects in the build/buy catalog that are typically used in the world’s environment. Requires bb.showhiddenobjects to be enabled first. |
bb.showhiddenobjects then debug | After entering bb.showhiddenobjects , search for “debug” in the buy mode search bar to access a wide range of hidden items. |
Skill Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
stats.set_skill_level [SkillName] [1-10] | Sets the specified skill to a desired level (from 1 to 10). Replace [SkillName] with the actual skill’s name (e.g., Major_Fishing, Major_Guitar). |
stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking 10 | Maxes out the Baking skill. |
stats.set_skill_level Major_BarTending 10 | Maxes out the Mixology skill. |
stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10 | Maxes out the Charisma skill. |
stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10 | Maxes out the Comedy skill. |
stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10 | Maxes out the Fishing skill. |
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10 | Maxes out the Fitness skill. |
stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10 | Maxes out the Gardening skill. |
stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10 | Maxes out the Gourmet Cooking skill. |
stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10 | Maxes out the Guitar skill. |
… | … (Similar pattern for other skills) |
Career Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
careers.promote [CareerName] | Promotes your Sim in the specified career. Replace [CareerName] with the actual name of the career (e.g., Astronaut, Painter). |
careers.demote [CareerName] | Demotes your Sim in the specified career. |
careers.add_career [CareerName] | Adds a new career to your Sim. |
careers.remove_career [CareerName] | Removes your Sim from the specified career. |
careers.promote Gradeschool | Promotes your Sim in grade school (for children). |
careers.promote Highschool | Promotes your Sim in high school (for teenagers). |
careers.retire [CareerName] | Retires your Sim from the specified career. |
Remember, the [CareerName]
should be replaced with the actual name of the career you wish to modify for your Sim.
Needs and Mood Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
fillmotive motive_[MotiveType] | Instantly fills a specific need. Replace [MotiveType] with the need type (e.g., Hunger, Energy). |
sims.fill_all_commodities | Fills all needs for the selected Sim. |
make happy | Sets all of the selected Sim’s needs to full and removes negative moodlets. |
sims.give_satisfaction_points [amount] | Gives a Sim a specific number of satisfaction points. Replace [amount] with the number of points. |
resetSim [FirstName] [LastName] | Resets the Sim with the specified name if they are stuck or glitching. |
Relationship Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
modifyrelationship [Sim1FullName] [Sim2FullName] [amount] Friendship_Main | Adjusts the friendship level between two Sims. Replace [Sim1FullName] and [Sim2FullName] with the Sims’ names and [amount] with the desired friendship points. |
modifyrelationship [Sim1FullName] [Sim2FullName] [amount] Romance_Main | Adjusts the romance level between two Sims. |
relationships.create_friends_for_sim | Creates a new Sim who is already friends with the active Sim. |
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others | Introduces your Sim to all other Sims in the world. |
Character Trait and Aspiration Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
traits.equip_trait [TraitName] | Adds a specific trait to your Sim. Replace [TraitName] with the desired trait’s name. |
traits.remove_trait [TraitName] | Removes a specific trait from your Sim. |
aspirations.complete_current_milestone | Completes the current milestone of your Sim’s aspiration. |
sims.add_buff [BuffName] | Gives your Sim a specific mood or effect for a period of time. |
sims.remove_all_buffs | Removes all current moodlets and buffs from your Sim. |
Age and Immortality Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
aging -on | Enables aging for all Sims in the game. |
aging -off | Disables aging, making all Sims immortal. |
setage | Sets the selected Sim to a specific age group. |
cas.fulleditmode | Enables full editing of Sims in Create-A-Sim, including age. |
sims.add_buff Buff_Immortal | Makes your selected Sim immortal; they will not age. |
Death and Ghost Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
sims.add_buff Ghostly | Turns your Sim into a ghost for 4 in-game hours. |
Death.toggle [true/false] | Disables death when set to true, enabling it when set to false. |
traits.equip_trait [TraitName_DeathType] | Gives your Sim a specific type of death trait, turning them into a ghost related to that death type. Replace [TraitName_DeathType] with the specific death trait (e.g., traits.equip_trait ghost_overheat for death by overheating). |
UI Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
headlineeffects on | Enables all headline effects such as plumbobs and thought bubbles. |
headlineeffects off | Disables headline effects. |
hovereffects on | Enables hover effects when you mouse over a Sim. |
hovereffects off | Disables hover effects. |
fullscreenToggle | Switches the game between full screen and windowed mode. |
fps [on/off] | Displays the game’s frames per second in the top right corner. |
Debug Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
testingcheats true | Enables debug cheats and additional testing options in the game. |
bb.showhiddenobjects | Reveals hidden objects in buy mode, including debug items. |
bb.showliveeditobjects | After enabling, displays additional world objects in build/buy mode. |
bb.enablefreebuild | Allows building on lots normally restricted, like hospitals or police stations. |
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement | Unlocks objects that are normally unlocked via career progression. |
Weather and Season Cheats
Cheat Code | Effect |
weather.set_weather [WeatherType] | Changes the weather to a specific type. Replace [WeatherType] with the desired weather condition code (e.g., weather_sunny_hot ). |
seasons.set_season [SeasonNumber] | Changes the current season. Replace [SeasonNumber] with 0 for Summer, 1 for Fall, 2 for Winter, or 3 for Spring. |
seasons.advance_season | Advances the game to the next season. |
seasons.change_weather [WeatherType] | Forces a specific weather condition. |
weather.lightning_strike_object | Causes a lightning strike at the cursor’s location. |