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The Sims 4 Cheats

To use cheats in ‘The Sims 4,’ press Ctrl + Shift + C (PC) or Command + Shift + C (Mac) to open the cheat console. Enter ‘testingcheats true’ to enable cheat functionality. This allows you to alter your Sims’ lives, from boosting funds to changing moods, opening up a world of possibilities in your game.

Money Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
kachingAdds 1,000 Simoleons to your household’s funds.
rosebudAdds 1,000 Simoleons to your household’s funds (alternative to kaching).
motherlodeAdds 50,000 Simoleons to your household’s funds.
money [amount]Sets your household’s funds to the specified amount. Replace [amount] with the desired number of Simoleons.
FreeRealEstate OnMakes all homes in the neighborhood free. Use in the neighborhood or world view.
FreeRealEstate OffReturns home prices to normal. Use in the neighborhood or world view.
household.autopay_billsToggles automatic bill paying for your household.

Build and Buy Mode Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
bb.moveobjectsAllows you to place objects anywhere, ignoring grid lines and other objects.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementUnlocks all career-rewarded objects in buy mode.
bb.showhiddenobjectsDisplays hidden objects that aren’t typically available in buy mode, like collectibles.
bb.enablefreebuildEnables building in locations that are normally restricted, such as the hospital from the “Get to Work” expansion.
bb.showliveeditobjectsReveals additional objects in the build/buy catalog that are typically used in the world’s environment. Requires bb.showhiddenobjects to be enabled first.
bb.showhiddenobjects then debugAfter entering bb.showhiddenobjects, search for “debug” in the buy mode search bar to access a wide range of hidden items.

Skill Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
stats.set_skill_level [SkillName] [1-10]Sets the specified skill to a desired level (from 1 to 10). Replace [SkillName] with the actual skill’s name (e.g., Major_Fishing, Major_Guitar).
stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking 10Maxes out the Baking skill.
stats.set_skill_level Major_BarTending 10Maxes out the Mixology skill.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10Maxes out the Charisma skill.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10Maxes out the Comedy skill.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10Maxes out the Fishing skill.
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10Maxes out the Fitness skill.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10Maxes out the Gardening skill.
stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10Maxes out the Gourmet Cooking skill.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10Maxes out the Guitar skill.
… (Similar pattern for other skills)

Career Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
careers.promote [CareerName]Promotes your Sim in the specified career. Replace [CareerName] with the actual name of the career (e.g., Astronaut, Painter).
careers.demote [CareerName]Demotes your Sim in the specified career.
careers.add_career [CareerName]Adds a new career to your Sim.
careers.remove_career [CareerName]Removes your Sim from the specified career.
careers.promote GradeschoolPromotes your Sim in grade school (for children).
careers.promote HighschoolPromotes your Sim in high school (for teenagers).
careers.retire [CareerName]Retires your Sim from the specified career.

Remember, the [CareerName] should be replaced with the actual name of the career you wish to modify for your Sim.

Needs and Mood Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
fillmotive motive_[MotiveType]Instantly fills a specific need. Replace [MotiveType] with the need type (e.g., Hunger, Energy).
sims.fill_all_commoditiesFills all needs for the selected Sim.
make happySets all of the selected Sim’s needs to full and removes negative moodlets.
sims.give_satisfaction_points [amount]Gives a Sim a specific number of satisfaction points. Replace [amount] with the number of points.
resetSim [FirstName] [LastName]Resets the Sim with the specified name if they are stuck or glitching.

Relationship Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
modifyrelationship [Sim1FullName] [Sim2FullName] [amount] Friendship_MainAdjusts the friendship level between two Sims. Replace [Sim1FullName] and [Sim2FullName] with the Sims’ names and [amount] with the desired friendship points.
modifyrelationship [Sim1FullName] [Sim2FullName] [amount] Romance_MainAdjusts the romance level between two Sims.
relationships.create_friends_for_simCreates a new Sim who is already friends with the active Sim.
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_othersIntroduces your Sim to all other Sims in the world.

Character Trait and Aspiration Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
traits.equip_trait [TraitName]Adds a specific trait to your Sim. Replace [TraitName] with the desired trait’s name.
traits.remove_trait [TraitName]Removes a specific trait from your Sim.
aspirations.complete_current_milestoneCompletes the current milestone of your Sim’s aspiration.
sims.add_buff [BuffName]Gives your Sim a specific mood or effect for a period of time.
sims.remove_all_buffsRemoves all current moodlets and buffs from your Sim.

Age and Immortality Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
aging -onEnables aging for all Sims in the game.
aging -offDisables aging, making all Sims immortal.
setageSets the selected Sim to a specific age group.
cas.fulleditmodeEnables full editing of Sims in Create-A-Sim, including age.
sims.add_buff Buff_ImmortalMakes your selected Sim immortal; they will not age.

Death and Ghost Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
sims.add_buff GhostlyTurns your Sim into a ghost for 4 in-game hours.
Death.toggle [true/false]Disables death when set to true, enabling it when set to false.
traits.equip_trait [TraitName_DeathType]Gives your Sim a specific type of death trait, turning them into a ghost related to that death type. Replace [TraitName_DeathType] with the specific death trait (e.g., traits.equip_trait ghost_overheat for death by overheating).

UI Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
headlineeffects onEnables all headline effects such as plumbobs and thought bubbles.
headlineeffects offDisables headline effects.
hovereffects onEnables hover effects when you mouse over a Sim.
hovereffects offDisables hover effects.
fullscreenToggleSwitches the game between full screen and windowed mode.
fps [on/off]Displays the game’s frames per second in the top right corner.

Debug Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
testingcheats trueEnables debug cheats and additional testing options in the game.
bb.showhiddenobjectsReveals hidden objects in buy mode, including debug items.
bb.showliveeditobjectsAfter enabling, displays additional world objects in build/buy mode.
bb.enablefreebuildAllows building on lots normally restricted, like hospitals or police stations.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementUnlocks objects that are normally unlocked via career progression.

Weather and Season Cheats

Cheat CodeEffect
weather.set_weather [WeatherType]Changes the weather to a specific type. Replace [WeatherType] with the desired weather condition code (e.g., weather_sunny_hot).
seasons.set_season [SeasonNumber]Changes the current season. Replace [SeasonNumber] with 0 for Summer, 1 for Fall, 2 for Winter, or 3 for Spring.
seasons.advance_seasonAdvances the game to the next season.
seasons.change_weather [WeatherType]Forces a specific weather condition.
weather.lightning_strike_objectCauses a lightning strike at the cursor’s location.
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