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GTA V Cheats for PC

To activate these cheats, open the console in the game by pressing the “~” key, then enter the cheat code and press Enter. Remember that using cheats can disable achievements and affect your game progress, so it’s recommended to save your game before using them. Enjoy enhancing your gameplay experience in GTA 5 with these cheats!

Most Popular Cheats

Cheat EffectCheat CodeEffect Description
Invincibility (5 minutes)PAINKILLERMakes you invulnerable for 5 minutes.
Max Health & ArmorTURTLEFully restores health and armor.
Raise Wanted LevelFUGITIVEIncreases your wanted level by one star.
Lower Wanted LevelLAWYERUPDecreases your wanted level by one star.
Fast RunCATCHMEIncreases your running speed.
Spawn Buzzard Attack HelicopterBUZZOFFSpawns a Buzzard armed helicopter.
Spawn Comet Sports CarCOMETSpawns a Comet sports car.
Super JumpHOPTOITEnables higher jumps.
Explosive Ammo RoundsHIGHEXBullets explode on impact.
Change WeatherMAKEITRAINCycles through different weather types.
Moon GravityFLOATERActivates low gravity.
Drunk ModeLIQUORMakes your character appear drunk.
Slow Motion AimDEADEYESlows down time while aiming (up to 3 levels).
SkyfallSKYFALLTeleports you high into the air.
Slow MotionSLOWMOActivates slow motion (up to 3 levels).
Explosive Melee AttacksHOTHANDSYour melee attacks cause explosions.
Slippery Cars (Drifting)SNOWDAYCars become more slippery, enhancing drifting.
Spawn Sanchez Dirt BikeOFFROADSpawns a Sanchez dirt bike.
ParachuteSKYDIVEProvides a parachute.
Weapons and Extra AmmoTOOLUPGives you a set of weapons and extra ammo.

Player Cheats

Cheat EffectCheat CodeDescription
InvincibilityPAINKILLERMakes you invulnerable for 5 minutes.
Max Health & ArmorTURTLEFully restores your health and armor.
Raise Wanted LevelFUGITIVEIncreases your wanted level by one star.
Lower Wanted LevelLAWYERUPDecreases your wanted level by one star.
Special Ability RechargePOWERUPRecharges the special ability instantly.
Fast RunCATCHMEIncreases your running speed.
Fast SwimGOTGILLSIncreases your swimming speed.
Super JumpHOPTOITEnables higher jumps.
Drunk ModeLIQUORMakes your character appear drunk.
Explosive Melee AttacksHOTHANDSYour melee attacks cause explosions.
Explosive Ammo RoundsHIGHEXYour bullets cause explosions on impact.
Flaming BulletsINCENDIARYYour bullets set things on fire upon impact.
SkyfallSKYFALLTeleports you high into the air.
Slow Motion AimDEADEYESlows down time while aiming (up to 3 levels).
ParachuteSKYDIVEProvides a parachute.
Weapons and Extra AmmoTOOLUPGives you a set of weapons and extra ammo.
Change WeatherMAKEITRAINCycles through different weather types.
Moon GravityFLOATERActivates low gravity.
Slippery Cars (Drifting)SNOWDAYCars become more slippery, enhancing drifting.
Slow MotionSLOWMOActivates slow motion (up to 3 levels).

Item Cheats

Item CheatCheat CodeDescription
ParachuteSKYDIVEGives you a parachute.
Weapons and Extra AmmoTOOLUPProvides a set of weapons along with ammo.

World Cheats

World Effect CheatPC Cheat CodeDescription
Change WeatherMAKEITRAINCycles through various weather types.
Moon GravityFLOATERActivates low gravity.
Slippery Cars (Drifting)SNOWDAYVehicles lose traction, enhancing drifting.
Slow MotionSLOWMOActivates slow motion (enter up to 3 times, 4th time disables).

Vehicle Cheats

Vehicle CheatPC Cheat CodeDescription
Spawn BMXBANDITSpawns a BMX bicycle.
Spawn Buzzard Attack HelicopterBUZZOFFSpawns a Buzzard small attack helicopter.
Spawn CaddyHOLEIN1Spawns a golf caddy.
Spawn CometCOMETSpawns a Comet sports car.
Spawn DusterFLYSPRAYSpawns a Duster crop duster plane.
Spawn LimoVINEWOODSpawns a Stretch limousine.
Spawn PCJ-600 MotorcycleROCKETSpawns a PCJ-600 sports motorbike.
Spawn Rapid GTRAPIDGTSpawns a Rapid GT luxury roadster car.
Spawn Sanchez Dirt BikeOFFROADSpawns a Sanchez dirt bike.
Spawn Stunt PlaneBARNSTORMSpawns a Stunt Plane.
Spawn TrashmasterTRASHEDSpawns a Trashmaster garbage truck.

Special Vehicles (Must be Unlocked In-Game first)

Special Vehicle CheatPC Cheat CodeDescription
Spawn Duke O’DeathDEATHCARSpawns the Duke O’Death, an armored muscle car. (Must be unlocked in-game first)
Spawn Kraken SubBUBBLESSpawns the Kraken Sub, a small submarine. (Must be unlocked in-game first)
Spawn Dodo SeaplaneEXTINCTSpawns the Dodo Seaplane. (Must be unlocked in-game first)

Miscellaneous Cheats

Miscellaneous CheatPC Cheat CodeDescription
Black Cellphones (Explosive Phone Call)1-999-367-3767Activates an explosive phone call. Can be used for a fun effect or to cause a small explosion.
Director ModeJRTALENTEnables Director Mode, allowing you to create your own scenes and movies within the game.
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